Why do I write?  It’s a question I’ve often pondered upon.

I have no definitive answer. I write because the voices in my head are clamouring to be given life.  I write because the characters in my head are demanding to be given form.  I write because I have no choice if I’m to be able to find some relief from the kaleidoscope of images running through my mind every second of the day.  But mainly I write because the act of writing is soothing and structured.

Sometimes I find myself jotting down a thought, an overheard string of words, the details of someone’s outfit, someone’s mannerisms – all are potential fuel for a short story, a poem, a longer piece of writing.

I write because I can’t draw or paint.  I write because I love words and words can conjure images in the mind, images in someone else’s mind.  I write because the muse is talking to me.  I write because I have to.



7 thoughts on “#everydayinspiration:Day 1 Why I Write

  1. The mind as a kaleidoscope – a fantastic analogy. Your love of writing always shines through and you paint and draw with words so well that I tend to disagree with your statement that you are unable to do those things 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Colette, I’ve always thought of words as images so your words mean a lot to me. I wish I could at least sketch an image though. I envy those who can capture a scene with a few strokes of a pencil or brush.


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