Writing 210 – Poetry

Today we were given the task of writing a poem in the form of a ballad, using ‘neighbourhood’ as the subject and Assonance as the device.  Hmm, done my own thing again.  I love the different tasks we get, and I love being stretched.  Unfortunately my muse doesn’t work in such a structured way and refuses to do as she’s asked!  I can’t get cross with her as she never leaves me without anything to say – although she’s taken it right to the line once or twice!  Today is no different, my muse has spoken, I’ve written it down on paper and now I’m sharing it here.

You can sing this, if you like, to ‘Amazing Grace’ – thank you @benhuberman for the suggestion 🙂

‘Our Lives Writ On Their Leaves’

The trees wear clothes beyond compare
They’ll soon be stripped and bare
The autumn rushes quickly in
To steal away their care

As kids we thrived, our playground vast
No boundaries for us
Creating dens in deep dense woods
Those trees were friends of ours

Now children play so close to home
Wild treasures know they not
For shame, they’ll never know the joy
Of days spent in the copse

Surrounded by protection we,
Secluded, pass our days
Those trees watch o’er every year
Our lives writ on their leaves

This morning bright and early, just before I got into my car to head off to work, I took some images on my phone of the trees which are right outside our home.  There are trees everywhere here, the whole town is surrounded by them (apart from the part that is fronted by the sea).  The leaves are simply stunning – coppers, bronzes, golds, deep reds and brighter yellows.  Could I capture them on camera?  I’m afraid not, though I’ve added one into this post as the subject matter of my poem pertains to the trees which surround me.